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Our Outcomes and Philosophy

At Changefactor, we are committed to delivering tangible outcomes that drive success and growth. Our focus is on:

  1. Organisational Excellence: We assist organisations in identifying their training needs, developing tailored programs, and evaluating the impact of training initiatives. By partnering with us, you'll achieve organisational excellence and unlock the full potential of your workforce.

  2. Personal Empowerment: We believe in the power of individual growth. Our aim is to support individuals in developing their skills, knowledge, and value base, both for their personal lives and professional careers. With our guidance, you'll become a force to be reckoned with.

  3. Learning Organisations: We advocate for the model of learning organisations. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth, we help organisations thrive in today's dynamic landscape. Embrace the learning mindset and propel your organisation to new heights.



  1. Learning Beyond Borders: Life itself provides a rich foundation of skills that we bring into our jobs and professions. We recognise that learning happens in various environments, and we draw from diverse experiences to enhance growth.

  2. Personalised Learning Experience: We understand that everyone has unique learning styles and needs. We create an encouraging and supportive environment that acknowledges and accommodates individual preferences, ensuring the best learning experience possible.



3. Empowering Self-Sufficiency: Our services are designed to support those we serve, empowering them to help themselves. We believe that self-reliance leads to greater confidence, competence, and success.

4. Safe and Enjoyable Learning: We prioritise creating a safe and enjoyable learning environment. When learners feel secure and enjoy the process of learning, they are more engaged, motivated, and receptive to acquiring new knowledge and skills.



5. Conscious Awareness for Excellence: We believe that conscious awareness of our skills, knowledge, and values helps eliminate complacency and promotes safe and effective practice. By fostering this awareness, we drive continuous improvement and excellence.

6. Inclusive Accessibility: We are strong advocates for equal access to training. Regardless of race, age, faith, sexuality, ability, gender, immigration status, employment status, or work/shift patterns, we believe that training should be accessible to all. Everyone deserves the opportunity to grow and succeed.

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